
11 Section, UL 1558 Listed, 5000A Generator Paralleling Switchgear Lineup

ComAp - Free Online Seminar - Retrofit Solutions

On June 23rd at 1pm CDT, ComAp will be holding a 1 hour Seminar introducing ComAp's Retrofit Solutions.

comap retrofit panels

During this free 1 hour long seminar ComAp will be showcasing the features and benefits of why their Retrofit Panels is a no brainier - mitigating risk and maximizing ROI on initial equpiment capex.

To register go to -

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COVID update from SAI Power Systems

Essential Power

SAI Power Systems Inc, is classified per the Critical Infrastructure Sectors | CISA as an essential business. Suppling essential products and services for industries including technology, energy, petroleum and fuel, mining, communications, as well as products used by other essential business and operations.

Our business remains in operation, we are accepting and shipping orders. Our Sales, Service and Support staff are available to assist.

Please let us know anything you need and please be safe.

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1802 Hits

Low Voltage Eaton Arc Flash 10 Section Line-up

10 section, UL Listed 1558 Low Voltage Eaton Arc Flash Switchgear.

sai power systems switchgear eaton arc flash build out


sai power systems switchgear eaton arc flash shipping out

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1983 Hits

SAI Panel Repair Services

Got a burned out electrical enclosure? SAI has the expertise you need to fix just about anything. This Type 3R MV metal clad switchgear arrived after receiving catastrophic arc-related damage to the interior bussing and breaker assembly. SAI removed the defective equipment, repaired the unit, and performed a full assembly and breaker certification prior to shipment back to the customer. Call today for a quote or more information.

SAI Power Systems Equipment Repairs 1SAI Power Systems Equipment Repairs 2

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2654 Hits

Low voltage control solutions in Class I Div 2 environments

Looking for custom low voltage control solutions in Class I Div 2 environments? SAI Power specializes in hazardous location starters, circuit breaker disconnects, and power distribution. Call today for your quote!

SAI Power Systems Switchgear Night Lights w3SAI Power Systems Switchgear Back Rev 3r

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1825 Hits

SAI Power Systems - ComAp Channel Partner

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SAI Power Systems is an approved ComAp channel partner.

ComAp design and manufacture gen-set control solutions for power generation and diesel/gas engines, along with associated accessories and software. ComAp are leading the way in providing intelligent electronic control products and solutions that are highly flexible, intuitive and scalable.

For more information about ComAp products and solutions please see our product page - ComAp - Smart Control Solutions, Gen-Set Controls




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2095 Hits

Mitigation of Transformer Inrush Current

Inrush Phenomenon

It is well known that energizing a transformer with rated voltage can produce a significant inrush current.  Inrush current is a random event which is not predictable and is in general not repeatable.  The magnitude of inrush current depends primarily on the following:

  1. Level of residual flux in the core of the transformer;
  2. Instant in the sine wave at which voltage is applied to the transformer;
  3. Magnitude of applied voltage.

Although the actual inrush current is a random event, it is known that the maximum peak inrush current can occur under the following conditions:

  1. Maximum positive value of residual flux in the core;
  2. Energizing the transformer at the instant the voltage is at the zero crossing in the sine wave;
  3. The applied voltage is increasing in the positive direction to add to the positive level of flux.

The following technical paper presents a method to mitigate inrush current when energizing large power transformers from a limited supply such as a generator or weak distribution system.

pdf SAI Power Systems - Mitigation of Transformer Inrush Current (567 KB)


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